Sunday, March 15, 2020

Such a little treasure she flitted in, hung around a while then was off again.

Her downy feathers caught the light 
as they floated gently around her like a little puffy cloud. 
When she turned, her yellowy-white bib was quite clear 
the distinctive neck line where her feathers turn dark. 
As she flew away her tail showed off two sets of white feathers 
with dark ones either side. What a little treasure! 
Ka kite! Nga mihi nui.

Yesterday I ventured high into the forest behind my house. I was sitting still when a little fluttering caught my peripheral vision. A baby miromiro (tomtit) landed on a branch quite close to me. I wondered if this fledgling had ever encountered a human before! We checked each other out. Such a rare and sweet encounter, I felt very blessed. No more tripping around for a while except maybe to the forest with a better camera!  

Edit: months later an adult miromiro visited the garden ... link to story on Flickr here: Miromiro on Flickr

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